Jacob Tamarkin

Jakob Davidovich Tamarkin (English: .. Jacob David Tamarkin; * 28 Junijul / July 10 1888greg in Chernigov, Ukraine, † November 18, 1945 in Bethesda (Maryland) ) was a Ukrainian- American mathematician.

Jakob Davidovich Tamarkin studied from 1906 at the State University of Saint Petersburg mathematics and worked there from 1910 to 1917 as a lecturer at the University of Electro-technical school and traffic school. Early as 1906 he published with Alexander Friedmann work on number theory, but turned under the influence of WA Steklov the boundary value problems of differential equations of mathematical physics. In 1917 he received his doctorate in Andrei Markov and appointed professor at all three universities. 1920 to 1922 he was also a professor in Perm. Unhappy with the new political situation, Tamarkin fled in 1925 in the United States, where he was first at Dartmouth College. Since 1927 he has taught at Brown University, where he became associate professor in 1928 and professor in 1940. From 1940 to 1944 he was managing editor of Mathematical Reviews. On November 18, 1945, he died of a heart attack during a recovery stay in Bethesda (Maryland).

Tamarkins main area of ​​work was the theory of differential equations, but also many other areas of analysis such as functional analysis, summation method of series, Fourier transform, zeros distribution of entire functions, integral equations, numerical methods.

His doctoral belonged Nelson Dunford, George Elmer Forsythe and Derrick Henry Lehmer.
