Jens Okking

Jens Dyhr Okking ( born December 18, 1939 in Copenhagen, Denmark ) is a Danish actor and former Member of the European Parliament.


Jens Dyhr Okking was from 1956 to 1959 in the Danish Navy. He then worked as a stage builder at Aarhus Teater and began acting. In the late 1960s he made his debut in the film. He was four times nominated for the Danish Bodil Film Award, which he won three awards. He was known for his illustrations in electricity and a jackpot for Helene Best Actor and Nitten roser røde Best Supporting Actor Award.

In 1999 Okking was chosen for the JuniBevægelsen the European Parliament. At the end of his membership he represented the Folkebevægelsen mod EU

Filmography (selection)
