José Antonio Remón Cantera

Jose Antonio Remon Cantera (* 1908 in Panama City, † January 2, 1955 ibid ) was the 27th President of Panama.

Remon Cantera was first at the National Institute in Panama, later he went to a military school in Mexico and the United States. After his return, he took over command of the National Police. In the late 1940s he was one of the most powerful men in Panama who held both the civilian and the military power in his hands. 1952, supported by the coalition of several political parties, he took over as the successor of Alcibiades Arosemena, the Office of the President. He has also received support from the United States, that the Cold War had just started and was also named man of Washington. To restore a stable economic situation and become the riots Lord, he led a hard form of government, limited the possibilities of opposition and formed the police into a paramilitary organization of the later civil guard.

Also, it was possible for him to reach an agreement on international understanding and cooperation with the United States, known as the Remon - Eisenhower Treaty, which Panama was environmental and financial aid, but in terms of sovereignty over the Panama Canal Zone was nothing he could reach. Remon Cantera remained in office until his assassination by an assassin on January 2, 1955 at Hipódromo Juan Franco in Panama City, which has never been solved. The fact was suspected of Americans Martin Irving Lipstein, but it could not be proved the fact. To have to do also suspected in the assassination something or even to be the principal came, the then Vice- President Jose Ramon Guizado, who was until December 10, 1957 in detention, then had to be released though. Remon Canteras was succeeded by José Ramón Valdés Guizado.

Manuel Amador Guerrero | José Domingo de Obaldía | Carlos Antonio Mendoza | Federico Boyd | Pablo Arosemena Alba | Belisario Porras Barahona | Ramón Maximiliano Valdés | Ciro Luis Urriola | Pedro Antonio Díaz | Belisario Porras Barahona | Ernesto Lefevre Tisdel | Belisario Porras Barahona | Rodolfo Chiari | Florencio Arosemena Harmodio | Ricardo Joaquín Alfaro Jovane | Harmodio Arias Madrid | Demóstenes Juan Arosemena Barreati | Ezequiel Fernández Jaén | Augusto Samuel Boyd | Arnulfo Arias | Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia Arango | Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Brin | Domingo Díaz Arosemena | Daniel chanis Pinzón | Arnulfo Arias | Alcibiades Arosemena | Jose Antonio Remon Cantera | José Ramón Guizado Valdés | Ricardo Manuel Arias Espinoza | Ernesto de la Guardia Navarro | Roberto Francisco Chiari Remon | Marco Aurelio Robles Méndez | Arnulfo Arias | José María Pinilla Fábrega | Demetrio Basilio Lakas | Aristides Royo | Ricardo de la Espriella Toral | Jorge E. Illueca | Nicolás Ardito Barletta Vallarino | Erick Arturo del Valle | Manuel Solís Palma | Francisco Rodriguez | Guillermo Endara Galimany | Ernesto Pérez Balladares | Mireya Moscoso | Martín Torrijos Espino | Ricardo Martinelli

  • Politicians (Panama)
  • President ( Panama)
  • Panamanian
  • Born in 1908
  • Died in 1955
  • Man