Joshua ben Hananiah

Yehoshua ben Hananiah (older form of the name: Joshua Hananiah b. ), In the Mishnah simply R. Joshua called (more than 140 times ), one of the main disciples Johanan b. Sakkais (he - together with Eliezer ben Hyrcanus - was ordained before the destruction of the temple and he helped to adventurous, later legendary glorified escape from Jerusalem), was a Jewish scholar of antiquity an authority and was among the Tannaim of the second generation.

Yehoshua, who was of Levitical descent, had many hard with Eliezer ben Hyrcanus and controversies of the two was the one who each advocated the progressive interpretation, while Eliezer was to be very conservative.

Yehoshua was a supporter of the House of Hillel, also represented in relation to the proselytes liberal views and turned at all against any form of rigor.

Yehoshua, who was also formed Greek, lived in poverty in Peqiin and was in the " secular job " Nadler ( Nadelverfertiger; according to others he was a blacksmith ). He had sung as a chorister in the Temple, was probably the time of the destruction of the ( second ) Temple (70 AD) already 30 years old and handed down as an eye witness the ceremony of scooping water on Sukkot.

He held talks with the Romans ( including even the Emperor Hadrian ), but also with the Jewish Christians. Apparently, he often served as intermediaries between Jews and Romans, traveled to Rome and Alexandria, and made ​​an effort to prevent another revolt against Rome. In Javne he ran as vice president of the Beth Din in conflict with Rabban Gamaliel II
