Karl Ehn

Karl Ehn ( born November 1, 1884 in Vienna, † July 26, 1959 ) was an Austrian architect. He is the most prominent representative of the so-called Vienna " community building style ".


Karl Ehn was the only son of originating from Lower Austria Carpenter Martin Ehn and his wife Aloisia Tulich. He attended 1899-1904 at the State Industrial School in Vienna and studied from 1904-1907 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna under Otto Wagner. In 1906 he received the Rosenbaum Award, 1907 Gundel and Hagenmüller price.

From 1909 Ehn was employed until his retirement at the Vienna City Building Department, from 1921 in senior positions. It was built in 1924 Stadtbaurat and created in this function several large and stylistic influences on social residential buildings of Red Vienna. Even after the political changes of power of the 30s Ehn remained in his position, but received during the corporate state any major works contracts more. 1938 and 1939, he was still able to build a few houses, in 1944 Oberbaurat and finally Senatsrat. His last building was the Karl Schönherr - yard, which was begun in 1950 after his retirement. Overall, Karl Ehn has created 2716 apartments in Vienna.

Karl Ehn remained throughout his life unmarried.


Karl Ehn was one of the most successful student of Otto Wagner. From this he took a representative monumentality that he applied to the social housing of the social-democratic Vienna city government and thus crucial to the typical architectural style of the community Red Vienna with its large residential blocks ( superblocks ) contributed. In this community style merged both modern, contemporary expressionist as well as local traditional elements. This supported by a self-conscious pathos style reflected the self- understanding of the then Austrian Social Democracy resist, most fully in Ehns major work, the monumental and become a legend Karl Marx Hof in Vienna Dobling.

Karl Ehn originally created mortuary for the Vienna Central Cemetery in Cubist forms, but then went to a residence early on, which was all his further work. From garden city forms the basis, he made gradually over the Bebelhof to Karl Marx Hof gelangend from his typical style. After the end of the social democratic city government his buildings were very simple and plain.


  • Wohnhausanlage Balderichgasse 23-29, Vienna 17 ( 1922-1924 )
  • Staff - houses at Vienna's Central Cemetery (1923-1925)
  • Settlement Hermes meadow, Lynkeusgasse 2-84 and 3-75, Wien 13 ( 1923-1924 )
  • Mortuary III at Vienna's Central Cemetery (1924-1926)
  • Wohnhausanlage Lindenhof, Vienna 18 (1924-1925)
  • Wohnhausanlage Bebelhof, Vienna 12 (1925-1926)
  • Wohnhausanlage Szydzina -Hof, Vienna 20 (1925-1926)
  • Wohnhausanlage Svoboda -Hof, Vienna 19 (1926 )
  • Wohnhausanlage Karl Marx Hof, Vienna 19 (1926-1933)
  • Wohnhausanlage Adelheid Popp - yard, Wien 16 (1932 )
  • Mortuary on the Lainzer Cemetery, Vienna 13/Lainz (1936 )
  • Elementary and secondary school Leopoldau, Wien 21 (1937 )
  • Family Asylum St. Elisabeth, Vienna 16 (1937 )
  • Wohnhausanlage Reznicekgasse 18-22, Vienna 9 (1937 )
  • Residence Hauslabgasse 24 and 25, Vienna 5 ( 1938-1939 )
  • Residential and rectory Wiedner Hauptstrasse 103-105, Vienna 5 (1938 )
  • Residence Kliebergasse / Gasser 22, Wien 5 (1938 )
  • Residence Wagnergasse (1939 )
  • Gas station Traisengasse 19, Vienna 20 (1944 )
  • Wohnhausanlage Karl Schönherr -Hof, Vienna 9 (1950-1952)