Karl O. Christe

Karl Otto Christe ( born July 24, 1936 in Ulm) is an inorganic chemist. He is since 1994 Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Southern California.


Christe studied from 1957 Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart. The thesis (1960) and his PhD (1961 ) he made with Josef Goubeau. 1962 emigrated Christe from the U.S. and settled in California. After working as a Senior Research Chemist at the Stauffer Chemical Co., Richmond, he joined in 1967 at the Rocketdyne Division Rockwell International one. In 1979 he took over the function of the research director, a position he held until 1994. From 1994-2005 Christe was also Senior Staff Advisor for the Air Force Research Laboratory ( AFRL ) at Edwards Air Force Base. Since 1994, Christe has worked as a professor at the University of Southern California at the Loker Research Institute.

Christe is married and has three children. He is a fencer and worked for both the German and American national team.


Christe deals since the sixties of the 20th century with the synthesis of new nitrogen, halogen fluorides and Halogenoxidfluoride and their ions. Examples include the NF4 and ClF6. In time for the 100th anniversary of the first presentation of fluorine by Henri Moissan could Christe 1986 report the first complete chemical synthesis of fluorine. Furthermore, Christe working on homoleptic nitrogen compounds. In this context, he succeeded as the synthesis of the angled Pentazeniums, N5 , and the first experimental proof of the cyclic Pentazolats, N5, both important milestones on the road to higher molecular weight polynitrogen. In the 1990s, Christe struck the first to propose the use of ionic liquids as fuels in civil and military engines. Currently, Christe working on the development of oxidants as a substitute for by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outlawed ammonium perchlorate. Christe is the author of over 400 publications in peer -reviewed journals, and has over 60 patents.

Prizes and Awards (selection)

Major publications (selection)

  • Chemical Synthesis of Elemental Fluorine, Inorg. Chem 25, 3721 (1986 ) doi: 10.1021/ic00241a001
  • N5 : A Novel Homoleptic Polynitrogen Ion as a High Energy Density Material, KO Christe, WW Wilson, JA Sheehy, and JA Boatz, Angew. Chem Int. Ed., 38, 2004 ( 1999) doi: 10.1002 / ( SICI ) 1521-3773 (19990712) 38:13 / 14 % 3C2004 :: AID- ANIE2004 % 3E3.0.CO; 2-7
  • Experimental Detection of the Pentaazacyclopentadienide ( Pentazolate ) Anion, cyclo - N5, A. Vij, JG Pavlovich, W. Wilson, V. Vij, and KO Christe, Angew. Chem Int. Ed., 41, 3051 (2002) doi: 10.1002/1521-3757 ( 20,020,816 ) 114:16 % 3C3177 :: AID- ANGE3177 % 3E3.0.CO; 2-I
  • Oxygen Balanced Energetic Ionic Liquid, CJ Bigler Jones, R. Haiges, T. Schroer, and KO Christe. Angew. Chem Int. Ed. , 45, 4981 (2006). doi: 10.1002/anie.200600735
  • Recent Advances in the Chemistry of N5 N5 -and High Oxygen Compounds, Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, 32, 194 (2007) doi: 10.1002/prep.200700020