
Geography and History

The blade ditch half a mile above the confluence with the Schwarzenbach

The blade trench ( name of the river on German territory ) is a river that runs in Switzerland and in the district of Waldshut in Baden- Württemberg partly in the canton of Schaffhausen.

Names in Switzerland

The river is only in German territory, from the mouth to the limit, the name blades ditch. From the border is the longest running of the water initially Landgraben, upriver called Mühlibach and in the last section to the source Rarely Bach.

Geographical location and topography

The longest tributary of the blade digging just East of Siblingen in Switzerland to approximately 670 m above sea level. M. and is referred to as rare creek. The blades ditch flows to the water in the drainage of the northern and eastern hills, which limits the Unterklettgau also to the south, is obtained. Already in the first kilometers the streams reach the sloping slightly to the west of the Unterklettgau level. From Unterneuhaus the coming of Siblingen waters bears for a short distance the name Mühlibach, from the mouth of the creek half to the state border ( approximately river km 9.1 ) the name Landgraben. Immediately after the border of the blades ditch flows through the district Erzingen the community Unterklettgau.


From the confluence with the Schwarzenbach the remainder of the river bears the name Kotbach. After about 1.9 km leads the Kotbach in Oberlauchringen, community Lauchringen, in the Wutach.


The blade trench is accompanied along the whole route of the railway line Basel- singing. The national road 34 ( E54 ) and its continuation in the direction Schaffhausen Switzerland also traced out in varying distance along the river course.

  • River system Wutach
  • River in Europe
  • River in the canton of Schaffhausen
  • River in Baden- Württemberg
  • Waters in the Waldshut district