
58.97694423.763611Koordinaten: 58 ° 59 'N, 23 ° 46' O

Koela ( German Koila ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Taebla ( Taebla vald ) in Lääne in Estonia.

Population and location

The village has 46 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). Its area is 9.5 square kilometers.

The village is located 12 kilometers north-east of the district capital of Haapsalu.


Koela was first mentioned in 1228 under the name Quevele documented. While the membership of the diocese Osel - Wiek, the village was divided into two parts: firstly, in the episcopal village Fidder, on the other hand in the private yard Koyvel.

Farmers and local history museum

On the coming 19th century courtyard Uuetalu is since 1987 a farmer and local history museum ( Koela talumuuseum ). It shows in the summer months, the traditional life and work of the Estonian rural population. In addition to historical agricultural machinery exhibition with old toys deals.
