
58.95527823.715556Koordinaten: 58 ° 57 'N, 23 ° 43' O

Kadarpiku is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Taebla ( Taebla vald ) in Lääne in Estonia.

Population and location

The village has 37 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). Its area is 5.3 square kilometers. Kadarpiku than twelve kilometers from the county capital of Haapsalu.

Ants Laikmaa

Since the 1960s, in the artist's former Ants Laikmaa residential building ( 1866-1942 ) is housed a museum.

The museum is dedicated to Ants Laikmaas life and extensive artistic creation. Laikmaa, who had studied in Dusseldorf, was with his landscapes and portraits, one of the first and most respected Estonian artists of his time. With it, realistic painting, and the tradition of artists exhibitions in Estonia began. In addition, ethnographic objects are exhibited in the museum, which garnered Laikmaa with passion.

Laikmaa inhabited in the last ten years of life, the house with its national romantic architecture. He had begun with the construction of the house, however, already in the 1920s. A characteristic feature is the high thatched roof. His studio is located on the first floor.

Behind the apartment building, the 1923 built small summer cottage is situated at the high thatched roof, the Laikmaa " My Tusculum " jokingly called.

Something from the house there is also the grave Laikmaas under tall pines. Laikmaa designed the grave site itself. A granite monument of the Estonian sculptor Juhan Raudsepp 1956 remembers him.

In the far -term, seven -acre garden nine oaks are planted, each dedicated to famous artist friends Laikmaas or their relatives. Often as Marie Under, peace Tuglas always and Gustav Suits were in the summer months at his guest.
