
59.44222226.856389Koordinaten: 59 ° 27 'N, 26 ° 51 ' E

Kõrtsialuse is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Azeri ( Azeri vald ). It is located in Ida -Viru county (East Wierland ) in northeastern Estonia.

Description and History

The village has 38 inhabitants ( 2011). It is located north of the important road between Tallinn and Narva. In the village there is a memorial stone to commemorate the Battle of Rannu, which took place on January 16, 1919 during the Estonian War of Independence between Estonia and Soviet Russia.

Kõrtsialuse is popular with nature lovers of the countryside around the five -mile creek Meriküla oja. It flows at Kõrtsialuse cascade toward the Klint. From there offers itself in clear weather, a wide view of the Baltic Sea to the islands belonging to Russia Gogland and Bolshoi Tjuters.

Village Museum

In the village there is a small museum dedicated to the history and culture of the rural community Azeri and their villages. There will also be made ​​in detail to the industrialization of the historic cement and brick factories in the village Azeri.
