Kurovskoye, Moscow Oblast

Kurowskoje (Russian Куровское ) is a 21 819 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ) A city in Russia in the eastern Moscow Oblast. It lies about 90 km southeast of Moscow in Rajon Orechowo - Zuyevo. Nearest towns are 19 km Likino - Duljowo and 27 km Dresna.


Was first mentioned as a village Kurowskoje (then Kurowskaja ) in 1646 The modern city arose from Kurowskaja and several other villages, including Spasskaya, which was known since the 1860s by an established there and partly remains largely intact in the monastery..

In Kurowskaja put an economic upswing since the 1830s, when there a textile manufactory was founded for the first time. In the second half of the century, these were already a large textile factory with over 600 workers. Around the operation gradually formed a settlement, its importance increased with the laying of the railway line Ljuberzy - Arzamas in 1912.

The factory was nationalized in August 1918 by the new Bolshevik state power and burned in 1923 completely. From 1929 it was rebuilt at the same time was near a housing estate for factory personnel. In 1952 the settlement town rights.

Economy and infrastructure

The backbone of the local economy is to the still existing textile operation as well as several smaller food factories.

The most important road of the city, the highway ring A108 dar. Rail connections exist both on the main line Ljuberzy - Arzamas ( they are frequented suburban trains, among others, to the Kazan station in Moscow) as well as over the Great Moscow railway ring over the cities as Orechowo - Zuyevo or Woskressensk accessible are.
