Lee Merrien

Lee Merrien ( born April 26, 1979) is a British middle and long distance runners.

For his home island of Guernsey, he started at two Commonwealth Games: 2002 in Manchester and 2006 in Melbourne, he retired each about 1500 m in the run- off. In Iceland the Games, he won six gold medals to date: From 2003 to 2009 four times in a row over 1500 m, and 2007 and 2009 over 5000 m.

In the European Cross Country Championships 2008, he came in at number 22 and won with the British team bronze.

In 2009 he was twelfth at the Great North Run. The following year he was. During his debut on the 42,195 - km - distance twelfth the London Marathon and then eighth in the marathon of the European Athletics Championships in Barcelona In 2011 he arrived in London on 14th and at the World Athletics Championships in Daegu, ranked 22, 2012, he qualified with a 17th place in London for the marathon in the Olympic Games in London, where he broke in on the 30th place.

Lee Merrien is coached by John Nuttall and starts for the Newham & Essex Beagles. Since he has completed his studies at the University of Bath in 2004, he has worked in the fitness industry.

Personal Best

All times are records for the island of Guernsey.
