List of CJK Unified Ideographs

The Unicode block Unified CJK ideographs (English CJK Unified Ideographs U 4 E00 to U 9 FFF) contains the basic Chinese characters that are used not only in the Chinese script, but under the name Kanji also a part of Japanese and as Hanja a small portion of the Korean script used in South Korea make up. Many characters in this block are used in all three writing systems, many but only in one or two of the three. Chinese characters were nom As Chu formerly used also for the Vietnamese. The sorting of the original 20,902 characters follows the order in the Kangxi dictionary by radicals, where the characters are listed with the fewest number of strokes first.

The terms " Ideographs " in the original or " ideograms " in the translation are misleading because the scriptures thus shown are not strictly term writings ( cf. ideography ).

The block is a result of the controversial especially in the Far East Han unification (English han unification ), Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters encoded in the same place and makes the representation of the particular character of the selected font dependent. However, the only Unicode block with CJK characters, this block fell below the source separation rule, which says that characters that were coded separately in an earlier character set are encoded separately in Unicode.

Since the Unicode version 5.1, it is possible with Variantenselektoren view certain variants of CJK ideographs. Currently the only options are the characters from the Adobe Japan1 character set defined.


The characters occupy in a closed order, the code points U 4 E00 to U 9 FCC. All characters have the general category " other letter" and the bidirectional class "left to right". They are named according to the scheme " CJK UNIFIED ideograph -XXXX " where " XXXX" is the hexadecimal code point is.

Character table

Due to the size of this block, the character table is divided among:

  • Unicode block Unified CJK-Ideogramme/4E00 to 5FFF
  • Unicode block Unified CJK-Ideogramme/6000 to 7FFF
  • Unicode block Unified CJK-Ideogramme/8000 to 9FFF

Graphic panels

Due to the size of this block, the graphic panels are Unicode block Unified CJK-Ideogramme/Grafiktafeln

References and sources
