Liturgical Movement

As a liturgical movement efforts both in the Reformation churches as well as in the Roman Catholic Church have been identified since the mid-19th century, which had a renewal and deepening the understanding of the Church's liturgy of the faithful to the goal. The move comes in both the theological science as well as in liturgical practice to express, and can be understood as part of the ecumenical movement in the sense that the visible differences in worship between denominations are usually degraded by the movement.

Roman Catholic Church

Your output took the movement in the mid-19th century in the Benedictine abbeys of Solesmes and Beuron. By whose work gained Gregorian chant a new bloom, it became a common measurement books - such as the " Schott " - issued. By the Motu Proprio Tra le sollecitudini Pope Pius X on 22 November 1903, the findings of doctrinal side were confirmed. This document was spoken of the " actuosa communicatio " or Participatio actuosa for the first time, the active participation of the faithful in the liturgical life of the Church. This term was included in the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium of the 2nd Vatican Council.

The Belgian Benedictine monk Lambert Beauduin (1873-1960) made ​​by his speech at the Belgian Catholic on September 23, 1909 in Mechelen movement in Belgium and Holland known. Also In France and Italy the movement some agreement ( Aimé -Georges Martimort, Cyprian Vagaggini, Giulio Bevilacqua ) won; However, they gained strength, especially in German-speaking countries.

The choice Ildefonso Herwegen abbot of Khajuraho in 1913 marked a turning point in the history of the liturgical movement in Germany. In his environment Romano Guardini, Odo Casel and John Pinsk developed their thoughts. Guardini created with his 1918 published work The Spirit of the Liturgy a programmatic summary of the movement. His main concern was the " world attention from the middle of the faith," and he saw " the true dignity of man in the enforcement of the liturgy ". It still was the active participation in the liturgy in the foreground. An important tool was the use of the vernacular for congregational elements in addition to the Latin of the priestly liturgy, such as the Betsingmesse. The celebration of the Easter Vigil and the use of the national altar were important elements.

Through the Catholic youth movement and the cooperation with the Catholic youth organizations, especially Quickborn, covenant Neudeutschland and the Catholic Young Men's Association with their centers castle Rothfels and house Altenberg, the ideas of the German clergy quickly found widespread use. The Augustinian Canons Pius Parsch realized the ideas from 1922 in Klosterneuburg Monastery and made it known through popular writings. In Innsbruck sat the liturgist Josef Andreas Jungmann, SJ for liturgical renewal and reform one ( liturgical reform ).

The edited by Johannes Pinsk magazines Liturgical Magazine (1928-1933) and Liturgical Life (1934-1939), which appeared in the self- publishing company, were influential for the liturgical movement. Also lay missals as the "People's Schott " the Benedictine Beuron and the " People's Missal " of the Laacher Maria Benedictine Urbanus Bomm played a major role. For broad impact caused the booklet Church prayer for the community service, 1928 first published by Ludwig Wolker, the general president of the Catholic young men's clubs in Germany, which had a circulation of 9.242 million copies and spread the form of the Community Fair on youth associations addition. The edition of 1930 offered for the first time in 1928 worked in a private initiative in Cologne unit text of the Ordinary of measurement, as incorporated in all missals and prayer books from Diocesan then ..

But soon criticism encouraged. On the one hand, it was not very many that liturgical provisions have been violated, on the other hand also stirred substantive criticism. Appeared in 1939 Max Kassiepes writing meanders and detours in the piety of life of the present, which attacked the movement's goals sharp. The Oblate missionary Kassiepe was of the view that a renewal of the life of faith can not be achieved if you distract his attention on liturgical questions of detail. This results in losing sight of the essentials. A certain balance in the clashes reached the established by the Episcopal Conference Liturgical Commission and the Mystici Corporis of 29 June 1943.

The encyclical Mediator Dei of 20 November 1947, the response of the Magisterium of the liturgical movement. Some content and forms some abuses a bolt pushed forward, on the other hand, however, confirmed - It was - in a conciliatory tone. It would take another two decades to the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium of Vatican II and the subsequent liturgical reform of 1969, the formal demands of the movement were implemented. "Outdated " since the 1960s by previously unimaginable new practices actually heard the liturgical movement to exist, while supporters of the liturgical tradition increasingly turned towards conservative groups.

Reformation churches

Already in the middle of the 19th century have established in the framework of a general enthusiasm for the ideas of Romanticism, the Oxford Movement English theologians. This increased the interest in church history and relations with the Roman Church.

At the end of the 19th century it was to match in Germany in particular circles in the field of so-called liberal theology, which reinforces put their focus on the design of worship him with the requirements of social change. They discovered many liturgical forms for Protestantism new, so sometimes we had the impression here a recatholicization of Protestant worship would take place. Also, if a nearby many protagonists of the liturgical movement to the Roman Catholic Church can not be denied, seemed here rather remnants of romance on the high cultural claims to meet cultural Protestant layers.

The main body of the so-called older liturgical movement was the monthly magazine for worship and religious art, which was published by the two main figures of the movement, Julius Smend and Friedrich Spitta. Of great influence private agendas, which appeared in large numbers and variation and in part even the official regional church agendas pushed into the background were beyond.

Until the 20th century the Church of England had also seen extensive ceremonial and ritual changes, most of them named in reference to the Roman Catholic tradition .. The followers of the Oxford Movement, Tractarians because they published their views in treatises, interested in originally for the ratio of the Church of England for the universal Church, and were interested in doing this focus on the liturgy and especially the Eucharist.

With the end of the First World War and the consequent crisis of the German bourgeoisie established a new view of the liturgical action. Evolved independently several groups and circles, which are now combined into the younger liturgical movement.

By Rudolf Otto won the experience of the sacred and thus a strong mystical train against the pedagogical- instrumentalized forms of influence on the service design. The High Church movement became the focus of the movement. From the environment of the youth movement out 1918 the first organizations were founded ( "High Church Association"). This value was from the outset a ecumenicity of worship (hence also usually " fair" called ) down and Anglican, Roman Catholic, Old Catholic and Eastern Orthodox liturgical forms have been processed.

Characteristic include the resumption of Gregorian chant, the weekly celebration of the Eucharist and the search for more binding forms of spiritual life. From regular meetings on the estate was built in 1923 Berneuchen the Berneuchener movement whose groups are crucial for the development of liturgical Protestant churches today. These include, inter alia, the Lutheran Brotherhood Michael ( in which only men can join ), the Berneuchener service and the community of St. Michael. Outstanding here were the theologian Karl Bernhard Wilhelm Ritter and Stählin. Shaping the spiritual life of entire generations of evangelical Christians has been edited by Michael Evangelical Brotherhood Tagzeitenbuch.

Emphasis is influenced Lutheran, founded in 1941 Lutheran Liturgical Conference in Germany.

The promotion of Gregorian chant has been particularly the Church work Alpirsbach assumed whose members meet for regular singing weeks.
