Maciej Płażyński

Maciej Płażyński ( born February 10, 1958 in Młynary; † 10 April 2010 Smolensk, Russia) was a Polish conservative- liberal politician.

Płażyński began his political career in 1980/1981 as one of the leaders of the Independent Students' Association ( NZS ). He was also in the 1980s, the opposition youth organization Ruch Młodej Polski ( German: " the Young Poland movement " ) to. After the political changes of 1989 Tadeusz Mazowiecki appointed him in August 1990 for the first non-communist Danziger Voivode; this office exercised Płażyński out until July 1996. In September 1997, he was elected for the Akcja Wyborcza Solidarność (AWS, German " Electoral Action Solidarity" ) in the Sejm. From 1997 to 2001 he also held the office of Sejmmarschalls.

In January 2001, he teamed up with Donald Tusk and Andrzej Olechowski the Civic Platform - PO (Polish: Platforma Obywatelska ). Later he left for personal reasons and was until his death an independent parliamentarian.

On 25 September 2007 Płażyński announced that he takes for the parliamentary elections in the Gdansk list of PiS. He explained it by saying that he could thus help in an eventual victory of the PiS, to form a coalition with the PO and to prevent such a PO with the Left and Democrats / LiD.

On April 10, 2010 Płażyński belonged to a Polish delegation headed by President Lech Kaczyński, who was to travel on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the Katyn massacre to the memorial to Russia. In the plane crash of the delegation near the military airfield Smolensk - North he came, however, in common with other high-ranking representatives of Poland died.

Posthumously Płażyński was awarded on April 16, 2010, the Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta ( Krzyż Wielki Orderu Odrodzenia Polski ).

He was a member of the Kashubian - Pomeranian Association.

Maciej Płażyński was married to Elżbieta Płażyńska and had three children.
