
MAMMOLO is a red grape variety. It is grown mainly in the Italian region of Tuscany and is known since the 17th century. Your inventory is still low. The name of the grape variety derived from the aroma or bouquet of the wine of violets from ( Mammole = violet ). Today it is still used as a component in the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano and Chianti.

See also the article Viticulture in Italy and the list of grape varieties.


The variety MAMMOLO is also under the name Fegeri, Mammola asciutta, Mammola minuto, Mammoli, MAMMOLO asciutta, MAMMOLO asciutto, MAMMOLO di Montepulciano, MAMMOLO fiorentino, MAMMOLO nero, nero MAMMOLO primaticio, MAMMOLO normal, MAMMOLO piccola rooso nero, MAMMOLO pratese, MAMMOLO rosso, rosso MAMMOLO tondo, MAMMOLO serrato, MAMMOLO tondo, MAMMOLO toscana, Mammolone di Lucca, Uva mammola asciuta, uva nera mammola, Uva mammola scrigiolante, Uva MAMMOLO nero and Uva mammolo tonda known.
