Massimo Cacciari

Massimo Cacciari ( born June 5, 1944 in Venice ) is an Italian philosopher and from 1993 to 2000 and 2005-2010 mayor of Venice.

  • 3.1 Monographs
  • 3.2 editor, translator
  • 3.3 Magazines
  • 3.4 libretti / text collages for Luigi Nono



Massimo Cacciari attended the Liceo Classico Marco Polo in his native city. In 1967 he completed his studies in philosophy at the University of Padua. His work dealt with the Critique of Judgement by Immanuel Kant His doctor father was Dino Formaggio, where he worked as an assistant. He then worked at Carlo Diano in Letteratura e Filosofia Greca and Professor Sergio Bettini in aesthetics and art history. 1970 to 1971 he taught at the University of Architecture in Venice where he met Manfredo Tafuri. In 1980, he received a permanent position in 1985 an appeal to the field of aesthetics.

In 2002 he founded the Philosophical Faculty of the University Vita- Salute San Raffale in Cesano Maderno ( Milan ). To her he was standing in front until 2005. At the same time he remained from 1998 to 2006 director of the Philosophical Faculty of the Academy of Architecture of the University of Lugano. He also founded several philosophical journals, as Angelus Novus (1964-1971), Contropiano (1968-1971), Laboratorio politico (1981-1985), Il Centauro (1981-1986) Paradosso (1990 - 2000). He also ran the Italian editions of the works of Georg Lukács and Hugo von Hofmannsthal.

The focus of his work is the crisis of modern reason. His works Crisis (1976 ), then Pensiero e negativo razionalizzazione (1977 ), Icone della legge (1985 ), then L' angelo necessario (1986 ), and Della ultima cosa (2004 ) reflect his way to an almost religious interpretation.

He is a member of the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici of Naples and Paris Collége de Philosophie.


At a young age Cacciari hung on the radical left Potere operaio ( Workers' Power ), also wrote for Classe Operaia (up to 1968), then joined the Communist Party of Italy. He was provincial secretary of the Chemical Workers' Union. In 1976 he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies and belonged to her until July 1983. After the death of Enrico Berlinguer (1984 ), he resigned from the PCI.

A close artistic and political cooperation Massimo Cacciari joined since the late 1970s with the composer Luigi Nono. For him, he also wrote the libretto for Io, frammento dal Prometeo (1981) and Prometeo. Tragedia dell ' ascolto ( 1984/1985 ).

Cacciari 1993 was elected mayor of Venice and supported until the end of his term in 2000, Romano Prodi. He himself was considered a candidate for a leading role in the Alliance olive tree, the political home of liberal and left-wing forces. However, in 2000, he had been defeated when he ran for the presidency of the Veneto region, for which he had given up his seat in the European Parliament. He was defeated with 38.2 % of the vote to the candidate of the conservative Alliance Polo per le Libertà, Giancarlo Galan, which reached 54.9 %. However, Cacciari was a member ( Regional Consigliere ) of the Regional Parliament.

2005 Cacciari surprisingly announced his renewed candidacy for the office of mayor of Venice. The links grouping was cleaved in the power struggle between Cacciari and former prosecutor Felice Casson. Still on the first ballot, as Casson 37.7 % received only 23.2% and Cacciari, it looked like a defeat. With around 200 -vote lead, however, he won the runoff election ( 50.5 %). Cacciari then led a complicated coalition of the center and the left.

November 2, 2009 Cacciari announced his retirement from politics, he would run back to the university and not in the elections of 2010 again. He was succeeded in April 2010, Giorgio Orsoni, who surprisingly won the election against the candidate of Berlusconi, against Renato Brunetta.

As mayor, he was president of the Fondazione Teatro La Fenice and Vice President of the Foundation for the Biennale di Venezia.

On 23 July 2010 Cacciari presented the manifesto Verso Nord, un'Italia più vicina, which turned to those who were both disappointed by the Partito Democratico and by the Popolo della Libertà, to adopt a policy for the north of Italy, the at the same time distanced himself from the Northern League. On 12 October 2010 the party Verso Nord was formally established.

Awards and honors

Cacciari is an honorary Doctor of Architecture of the University of Genoa since October 2003, as well as of political science at the University of Bucharest since 2007.

In 1999 he received the Hannah Arendt Prize for Political Thought, 2002, Friedrich Gundolf Prize for the promotion of German culture abroad, 2005, the Medalla de Oro for the Fine Arts in Madrid, 2008, the Grand Officer of the Order of Merit pro Merito Melitensi of the Sovereign Order of Malta.



  • Sulla genesi del pensiero negative that 1968
  • Qualification and Class Consciousness ( Qualificazione e composizione di classe, 1970), New Criticism ( = series New Criticism, 2) Frankfurt am Main, 1970
  • On the problem of organization in Germany. In: Sergio Bologna Massimo Cacciari u, composition of the working class and organization question, Merve ( = International Marxist discussion, 35), Berlin, 1973, pp. 53-129 ( Sul problema dell ' organizzazione Germania 1917-1921, introduction to the Italian edition by Georg Lukácss writings (1920 - '21 ) in Communism, Marsilio, Padova, 1972)..
  • Ristrutturazione e analisi di classe, Padua 1973
  • Metropolis, Rome 1973
  • Oikos. Since Loos a Wittgenstein, together with a couple Francesco Amendolagine, Rome 1975
  • Crisis. Saggio sulla crisi del pensiero negativo as a Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1976, 8th edition 1983
  • Pensiero e negativo razionalizzazione, Marsilio, Padova, 1977
  • Dialettica e critica dell politico, saggio su Hegel, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1978
  • Dallo Steinhofgründe. Prospettive viennesi del primo Novecento, Milan, 1980
  • Icone della Legge, Adelphi, Milan, 1985, last edition 2007
  • L' angelo necessario, Adelphi, Milan, 1986 ( 6th edition ).
  • Time without Kronos, Knight, Klagenfurt, 1986.
  • The necessary angel, knight, Klagenfurt, 1987 ( L' Angelo necessario, 1986).
  • Drama y duelo, Tecnos 1987
  • Dell'inizio, Adelphi, Milan, 1990, revised edition 2001
  • Dran, meridiens de la décision, Editions de L' Eclat, 1992.
  • Geo - filosofia dell'Europa, Milan: Adelphi 1994
  • Migrants - Edmond Jabès, Luigi Nono, Massimo Cacciari, Merve, Berlin, 1995, edited by Nils Röller in collaboration with Massimo Cacciari, ISBN 978-3-88396-126-2.
  • Big city. Architecture, nihilism. Essay, Knight, Klagenfurt, 1995
  • Violence and harmony, Geo - European philosophy, Hanser (Edition accents), Munich, 1995 ( Geo - filosofia dell 'Europa, 1994).
  • L' arcipelago, Adelphi, Milan, 1997
  • The archipelago Europe, DuMont, Cologne, 1998 ( L' arcipelago, 1997).
  • Le dieu qui danse, Grasset 2000
  • Adolf Loos e il suo angelo, Electa, Milano, 2002
  • Dwelling, Thinking, the question of the place, knights, Klagenfurt, 2002
  • La città, Rimini 2004
  • Della ultima cosa, Adelphi, Milan, 2004
  • Magis Amicus Leopardi, Caserta 2005

Editor, translator


  • Angelus Novus (ed. with Cesare de Michelis ), 1964-1966.
  • Classe Operaia and
  • Potere Operaio employees until 1968.
  • Contropiano (ed. with Alberto Rosa Aso, there published numerous articles ), 1968-1971

Libretti / text collages for Luigi Nono

  • The breathing Klarsein, 1981 ( RM Rilke, Duino Elegies and ancient Orphic hymns)
  • Io, frammento dal Prometeo, 1981 ( Aeschylus and Hölderlin )
  • Quando stanno morendo, Diario polacco, 1982 ( Czeslaw Milosz, Endre Ady, Boris Pasternak and Velemir Khlebnikov )
  • Guai ai gelidi mostri, 1983 ( G. Benn, Lucretius, F. Nietzsche, Ezra Pound and RM Rilke )
  • Prometeo. Tragedia dell'ascolto, 1984, final version 1985 ( Aeschylus, W. Benjamin, Hölderlin and others)
  • Risonanze erranti. Massimo Cacciari A, versions 1986, 1986 and def. 1987 ( text fragments from 7 Battle Pieces by H. Melville and No Delicatessen ( 1963) by I. Bachmann )