Mata de São João

The place Mata de São João is situated in the same district ( municipality ) in the state of Bahia in Brazil.

The place Mata de São João was founded in 1549, shortly after the conquest of Brazil, as the Comte of Tomé de Souza Brazil reached and the Garcia D' Ávila nobleman brought back, which should be later, the owner of many estates this coast. It was Garcia D' Ávila of the 1551 construct a castle was built by Casa da Torre Castelo Garcia D' Ávila or which had been placed on the highest point of the Bahian north coast, in the Bay of Tatuapara, which today is better than resort of Praia do Forte knows. This place had a great importance for the Portuguese colonial strategy in the north of Salvador da Bahia.

In 2000, there were 24,965 people in Mata de São João.

To the municipality also includes the beach resorts

  • Praia do Forte
  • Imbassaí
  • Porto do Sauipe