Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols

The Unicode block Mathematical alphanumeric symbols ( Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols, U 1 D400 to U 1 D7FF ) contains versions of letters of the Latin and Greek alphabets, numerals in bold, italic, bold italic, sans serif and not proportional, as well as handwriting and Fraktur letters, for use in a mathematical context.

Some fracture, double-coated and non-bold cursive letters and the cursive Planck constant ℎ can be found in the Unicode block characters like symbols. Their places have been left free in the Unicode block Mathematical alphanumeric symbols. In the letter -like symbols are various off- italic double-coated letters and a few doubly crossed Greek letters, for there is not a complete sentence.



Characters which are to be found in other blocks

Some characters that would be expected from the scheme over here are, instead, to find letters Similar symbols in Unicode Block:

The gaps U 1 D6A6, U 1 D6A7, U and U 1 1 D7CC D7CD have no equivalent.
