Matti Vanhanen's second cabinet

The Cabinet Vanhanen II was the 70th government in the history of Finland. She was sworn in on 19 April 2007 and remained until June 22, 2010 at the office. In addition to the Centre Party of Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen her belonged to the Coalition Party, the Greens and the Swedish People's Party.


On June 24, 2003 Matti Vanhanen 's successor Anneli Jäätteenmäkis had become. He led a coalition of the Centre Party, the Social Democratic Party and the Swedish People's Party. After losses for the Social Democrats in the general election on 18 March 2007 Vanhanen formed the new center- right coalition.

On 18 June 2010 Vanhanen announced his resignation - officially because of health problems. Mari Kiviniemi became his successor and led the government until the general election of 2011.


Svinhufvud I | PAASIKIVI I | Ingman I | K. Castrén | Vennola I | Erich | Vennola II | Cajander I | Kallio I | Cajander II | Ingman II | Tulenheimo | Kallio II | Tanner | Sunila I | Mantere | Kallio III | Svinhufvud II | Sunila II | Kivimäki | Kallio IV | Cajander III | Ryti I | Ryti II | Rangell | Linkomies | Hackzell | U. Castrén | PAASIKIVI II | III PAASIKIVI | Pekkala | Fagerholm I | Kekkonen I | Kekkonen II | Kekkonen III | IV Kekkonen | Tuomioja | Törngren | Kekkonen V | Fagerholm II | Sukselainen I | of Fieandt | Kuuskoski | Fagerholm III | Sukselainen II | Miettunen I | Karjalainen I | Paasio I | I Koivisto | Aura I | Karjalainen II | Aura II | Paasio II | Sorsa I | Liinamaa | Miettunen II | III Miettunen | Sorsa II | Koivisto II | Sorsa III | IV Sorsa | Holkeri | Aho | Lipponen I | Lipponen II | Jäätteenmäki | Vanhanen I | Vanhanen II | Kiviniemi | Katainen

  • Finnish Cabinet