Max Müller (Catholic intellectual)

Max Müller ( born September 6, 1906 in Offenburg, Baden, † October 18, 1994 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a German philosopher. Max Mueller was a professor at the Albert- Ludwigs- University of Freiburg and the Ludwig- Maximilians- University of Munich.

  • 5.1 works
  • 5.2 editorship
  • 5.3 secondary literature
  • 6.1 lecture recording


Max Müller was born the son of a lawyer and graduated from high school at the Friedrich-Gymnasium in Freiburg. While studying in Berlin, he had contact with Romano Guardini and participated in the meetings of the Working Group on Quick Born- castle Rothfels. In his Munich period of study, he moved in 1927 to collar Neudeutschland ( ND). During a stay in Paris in 1927/28 he was in contact with Neuthomisten and Renouveauisten and went into St. Michael's Institute. His study of philosophy ( including among Geyser Joseph and Martin Honecker ), he was awarded the degree in 1930 Honecker and Martin Heidegger (over the basic concepts of philosophical theory of value. Logical studies of value consciousness and value-objectivity ) from.

After receiving his doctorate Müller took over influential functions in ND: keynote address at the last great meeting of the ND Senior league in 1931 in Limburg, editorship of the magazine work sheets 1931-1934 (. Respectively from 1932 to 1935 ), which eventually prematurely ending his academic career 1938 should lead by refusing a lectureship by the Reich Education Ministry as a result of intervention of the imperial faculty leadership.

In 1932 Müller Contact Heinrich Brüning, on its political line, he published, and in 1934, he worked temporarily in Franz von Papen working group of Catholic German with. In the Nazi SA, he already occurred in 1933, one in 1937 the recording has application in the NSDAP was until 1940 a positive response, in wait Müller was already active in local groups.

In the 1930s he lived in Freiburg in the Maximilian street 1

In 1937 he completed his habilitation with a thesis on Thomas Aquinas ( " reality and rationality ," published as Being and Spirit). Excluded from " ideological and political reasons " from teaching at the University, he was working as a lecturer in philosophy at Freiburg Archbishop Collegium Borromaeum. During the Second World War, he was at first temporarily exempted pursuant to participate in the campaign in France and taught again at the Collegium Borromaeum. He was then called up as a military psychologist to Stuttgart. From 1942 he was at the job Ulm conscripted as department head until he after arrest and interrogation got a draft notice into the Army in 1943 in the context of the White Rose. The convocation he escaped, " because friends were able to impose a service obligation as a human resources manager of a wagon factory in Poznan ( Poland). "

In 1946, he was the successor Martin Honecker professor after he had administered the Chair since 1945. In addition to his work at the University Müller committed, inter alia, in Freiburg's urban policy. In 1960, he took advantage of a professorship at the Ludwig- Maximilians- University in Munich. After his retirement in 1972 he returned to Freiburg and taught as visiting professor at the Philosophy and the Faculty of Theology at the Albert -Ludwigs- University. 1984, the Honorary Ring of the Gorres Society awarded him.


When his teacher especially Martin Honecker, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger should be considered. But he was also affected by the historian Friedrich Meinecke, the theologian and religious philosopher Romano Guardini and the Catholic Youth Movement (Quick Born, covenant Neudeutschland ). Important meetings he had during his study of history, Romance languages ​​, German and philosophy in Berlin, Munich, Paris (Jacques Maritain, Étienne Gilson, Paul Desjardins ) and Freiburg im Breisgau. Max Müller belonged together John Baptist Lotz (SJ ) and Gustav Siewerth, his companions from his student days, and Bernhard Welte, Karl Rahner and others to a group of Catholic philosophers and theologians because of the studies of Martin Heidegger by its own path of thinking of the confrontation was strongly influenced by its fundamental ontology and philosophy of Being.

In the era of National Socialism, he was one among others with Reinhold Schneider, Hubert sailor, John Spoerl and Bernhard Welte the opposition Freiburg circle around the newspaper editor Charles Dyer on, which was crucial to the founding of the Baden CDU in the period after the Second World War. Müller worked in the Gorres Society.

Since 2005, every year the Max -Mueller prize is awarded for outstanding dissertations from the Faculty of Albert -Ludwigs- University of Freiburg im Breisgau.

Philosophy of Max Müller

Main ideas

Max Müller unites traditional metaphysics with the phenomenology of Husserl and Heidegger's philosophy of existence and develops the " Metahistorik " as a philosophy of historical freedom.

" The personal and factual encounter with Martin Heidegger [ ... ] led to a discussion of the great metaphysicians [ ... ] with the thinker, who in his historical " " of her to say goodbye tried thinking of Being now by both the ontic facts history in was able to give the ontological being - story floor. [ ...] [ The way of my thinking ] resulted from metaphysics, from which I came from philosophical, in my discussion of this and with Heidegger's " Being " thinking at that figure, which was my own thought process then and which I named " Metahistorik " designated. " ( existentialism, 4th Edition 1986, p 366)

The point of the story is to be found in every era ever new. The transcendental experience of the people creates itself in personal confrontation as a community power the world as a work. Politics, religion, art and science, but also the personal life community of people afford to answer attempts and provide realsymbolisch and representative sense. The success of the meaning is understood as an event of co Falls ( Symbolos, compromise, cairo logical middle) and in the end as the "experience absolute sense - [ ... ] not in time, but as time and temporality itself " ( experience and history, S. 595 )

