Mennonite Church USA

The Mennonite Church USA is an association of Mennonite congregations in the United States. The church is a relatively young church. It was formed in 2002 from the Association of Mennonite Church with the General Conference Mennonite Church and Mennonite Church is the largest in the United States.

The Mennonite Church goes back to German, Dutch and Swiss immigrants who from the late 17th century emigrated to North America (see also Mennonite emigration ). The first centers German and Mennonite immigration were Pennsylvania and later Virginia and Ohio. The North American Mennonites formed in the 18th century first regional conferences, which ultimately led to the formation of the Mennonite Church. 1725 was adopted at a conference of preachers, the Dordrecht confession of faith.

The General Conference Mennonite Church was founded in 1860 by already existing churches in Iowa. Your joined increasingly in the 19th century to North America immigrant Mennonites in Russia. This church was the end of the 20th century over 64,000 members.

Decided in 1995, both churches the union. There should be one Mennonite Church in the United States and Canada. From both North American churches in 2000 formed the Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA finally 2002. Both sister churches are members of the Mennonite World Conference. As a symbol of both churches use a dove with an olive branch, which is reminiscent of the Biblical story of Noah's ark. The Mennonite Church in the United States today includes more than 900 local communities with about 109,000 members. It consists of several regional associations (regional conferences ) and commissions for mission, education, public relations and diakonia. The church are several Mennonite colleges and seminars like the Goshen College in Indiana connected. The Mennonite Church USA operates, among others, with the aid organization Mennonite Central Committee and Christian Peacemaker Teams together.

The hymn book used in the churches of the Church Hymnal: A Worship Book of 1992 originated in an ecumenical partnership with the Church of the Brethren. 2005 and 2007 appeared to Sing the Journey and Sing The Story two supplementary bands. The first volume focuses thematically on the time between Pentecost and Advent, the second to the time of Advent to Easter
