Mignon Talbot

Mignon Talbot ( born August 16, 1869 in Iowa City, † July 18, 1950 ) was an American paleontologist.

Talbot studied at Ohio State University with a bachelor's degree and received his doctorate from Yale University in geology.

She was from 1904 until her retirement in 1935 professor of geology at Mount Holyoke College. There you put on a large collection of fossils and minerals, but burned in a fire.

1910, she found near her college the first copy of Podekesaurus holyokensis, a small carnivorous dinosaurs of the Early Jurassic they erstbeschrieb 1911 in the American Journal of Science, at the urging of Richard Swann Lull. The ( incomplete, obtained without skull) skeleton is no longer existent, but in 1958 a second specimen of the species was attributed. Later, a classification in the genus Coelophysis has been advocated since the skeletons are very similar, and the classification is still controversial. She was the first woman who found a new dinosaur species.

She was a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
