Mu'nis al-Khadim

Al - al - Muzaffar Mu'nis (Arabic مؤنس المظفر, DMG al -Mu ʾ nis al - Muzaffar, † 933 ) was the most important ruler under the Caliph al - Muktadir and al - Qahir.

Al - al - Muzaffar was Mu'nis eunuch. His rise began when he supported Caliph al- Muktadir during the coup of Abbasidenprinzen Abdallah al - Mutazz and whose reign rescued.

As a military leader he soon the real power in the caliphate dar. So he could through his campaigns against the Hamdanids of Mosul and Aleppo, the Byzantines, the Fatimids in Egypt and the West in Iran, largely maintained the boundaries of the Caliphate.

Even when civil unrest he succeeded the serenity of manufacture. He pacified the rebellious troops 929 in and around Baghdad, after they had with their pay demands exhausted the treasury and plundered the caliph palaces.

Having been the relationship with al - Muktadir was eager to al - Mu'nis was overthrown and executed under his successor al - Qahir as a result of intrigue.

  • Born in the 9th or 10th century
  • Died 933
  • Man
  • Regent
  • Arab commander
  • Eunuch
  • Executed person ( 10th century )