Mystery play

The Mystery Plays (Greek Mysterion, secret ) is a practiced since ancient form of displaying religious beliefs. In ancient Egypt, the Osiris mysteries are already occupied. In the 14th century had forms of drama and musical theater Christian religious motives. The term is usually somewhat broader than that of the liturgical drama, which still belongs in the context of the worship and takes place in the church. The mystery play has mostly religious content, but can be performed independently of church ceremonies. His Renaissance had the mystery play, among others, in France and England.

Development since the Middle Ages

Folk entertainment by traveling showmen in the Middle Ages was popular, but was at the church in any high regard. On the other hand, ecclesial rituals themselves had something theatrical in itself. So the Easter games have emerged from the liturgical antiphon between the three women shown by the clergy and the angel at the empty grave of Christ ( see Quem - quaeritis - trope ). The antiphon was gradually developed into a real action, new subjects were introduced, such as Mary Magdalene or Herod. The games were also expanded by comic relief, such as a race to the grave of the apostle.

Originally held in Latin, the scenes were more and more equipped with German lyrics from the games ecclesiastically bound were independent dramas. The oldest Easter play, which is written entirely in German, comes from the monastery of Muri in Switzerland ( 13th century). In addition, you know the game of Redentiner Easter in 1464.

The Easter games developed by involving the entire Passion for Passion Play. Since the 14th century it was first played it in short form, then more and more detail until they took many days to complete. The games were performed by citizens on the marketplace, albeit with spiritual direction. We distinguish several cycles, the St. Gallen passion play ( since the 14th century), Alsfeld (since 1501), or from Bolzano (since 1514). Even Low German games have survived, for example, from Hamburg and from Hildesheim.

In the various forms of the mystery plays biblical stories, dances of death or the last judgment outside the churches at market places and other public places were represented. The roles were more and more taken over by members of the medieval guilds, each guild was responsible for a particular piece. They were given gradually to all religious holidays (compare, for example, the upper Uferer Christmas games).

Since the 15th century, carnival games are detected, as well as popular entertainment and self-expression of the city as citizens. The oldest surviving examples show how a calamitous event (for example the winter), the process is done. Later, other aspects of life are presented to political events. There are obtained about 150 such pieces that were spread all over Germany. If the initial pieces still anonymous, so are from later years, individual poets known as Hans and Hans Folz Rosenplüt (both 15th century ), and Hans Sachs ( 16th century).

Today mystery plays are only performed sporadically in the medieval meaning, as for example in Meckenheim- Lüftelberg. There, every year will be held at Corpus Christi held a festival week, in which one club lists the lives of various saints.

Modern games are mysteries about the Salzburg Everyman (1911 ) by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Dance of the Dead (1934 ) by Hugo Distler and the opera, The Burning Fiery Furnace (1966 ) by Benjamin Britten.
