National Museum of Sudan

The National Museum of Sudan in Khartoum is home to the largest collection on the history of Sudan.

It contains works from different epochs of Sudanese cultural history: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, A- Group culture, C- Group culture, Kerma culture, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom, kingdom of Napata kingdom of Meroe, X - Group and Nubia in the Middle Ages.

The construction of the museum lasted from 1964 until 1971. Located on the Blue Nile Avenue in the center of Khartoum.

Emergence of the collection

The first Antiquities Act of the British administration of the Anglo -Egyptian Sudan was established in 1905. Antiquities management Sudan, today the " National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums " is assigned to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. It is next to the excavations and restorations and the support of the Sudanese museums.

The Antiquities Act demanded by the excavators Fund divisions. The resulting over time resulting collection was first exhibited by various other intermediate stations in the former British officers' mess. After the independence of Sudan in 1956 is finally planning a new museum building. As a result of the construction of the Aswan High Dam in 1960, the reservoir extends far to the Sudan, the collection experienced a great growth because so worked numerous archaeological expeditions to the risk of flood. Several Nubian temples were dismantled and transported in pieces to Khartoum. After many years of work on the reconstruction of the temple, the museum was opened on 28 May 1971. Due to current excavations the museum's collection is constantly growing. It currently comprises over 30,000 individual pieces.

The most important pieces of the collection

The Museum Park

The museum park the mined in Nubia temples were rebuilt according to its old alignment. You are grouped around an elongated pool of water, which symbolizes the Nile. For weather protection reasons they are in pavilions that can be pushed back into the dry season.

  • A victory inscription of Pharaoh Djer from the 1st Dynasty from Gebel Sheikh Suliman
  • The Temple of Horus from the fortress Buhen
  • The Khnum temple from the fortress Kumma
  • The temple from the fortress Semna, the Sesostris III. Dedwen and was ordained
  • One wall of the Temple Aksha
  • The rock grave of Prince Djehuti - Hotep
  • 6 lion statues from Basa
  • 2 frog statues from Basa
  • 2 ram statues from Kawa
  • Two seven -meter-high and 30 -ton colossal statues from the temple in Tabo
  • Granite columns from the Cathedral of Faras

In the building

In addition to many smaller pieces, among others, the following major objects can be seen in the museum:

  • Statues of the pharaohs Sobekhotep III. , Sesostris III. and Taharqa
  • A colossal statue and an altar of the Nubian king Atlanersa
  • A Sphinx and a sacrificial stone of Senkamanisken
  • The granite sarcophagus and a statue of Anlamani
  • A sacrificial stone stele and a Opfervase of Siaspi - qo