NGC 1316

NGC 1316, also known as Fornax A, is an lenticular galaxy in the constellation Fornax.

NGC 1316 is characterized by an apparent brightness of 8.4 like the brightest member of about 65 million light -years away in the Fornax cluster of galaxies and is one of the brightest galaxies that are not in the Local Group or one of the immediately neighboring galaxy groups. Your angular size is 11.5 '× 7.9 ', from which can be derived a diameter of about 225,000 light years. Thus, it is more than twice as large as our Milky Way. As one of the brightest radio sources in the sky it is called in the usual way for large radio galaxies as Fornax A.

The galaxy NGC 1317 is located about 6 ' north of NGC 1316, and together with this an interacting pair. Seen from Earth, in the immediate vicinity of Fornax A (NGC 1316) are three more galaxies, which are accordingly called NGC 1316A, NGC 1316B and NGC 1316C.

NGC 1316 was discovered in 1826 by James on September 2, Dunlop, who received the object as number 548 in his catalog of newly discovered nebulae and star clusters in the southern hemisphere.

