NGC 2808

NGC 2808 is the name of a globular cluster in the constellation Carina. NGC 2808 has an apparent magnitude of 6.9 mag and a diameter of 13.8 arc minutes. This cluster is one of the few globular clusters in the winter sky, however, is only visible from very southern latitudes. The location of this globular cluster in the winter sky was even more explosive by the discovery of the Canis Major dwarf galaxy in 2003. Exactly as Messier 79 and NGC 1851 does not seem to happen to lie in this region of the sky that is otherwise deficient in such objects of these star clusters, for he seems not to have its origin in the Milky Way, but was captured along with that dwarf galaxy. NGC 2808 was discovered on May 7, 1826 by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop.
