Noah Knows Best

  • Phillip Van Dyke: Noah Beznick
  • Rachel Roth: Megan Beznick
  • Richard Kline: Jeff Beznick
  • Willie Green: Alton Martin
  • Marcia Strassman: Martine Beznick
  • Stacy Meadows: D. J. Martin
  • Cori Yarckin: Camille Ruiz
  • Dempsey Pappion: Marcus

What is Noah? ( Original title: Noah Knows Best ) is an American television series that was canceled after 13 episodes.

In the United States in 2000, only the first 8 episodes of the series were broadcast in Germany all 13 episodes in 2002 were shown on the KiKA, but in a different order.

The series has acted as a male counterpart to Nickelodeon's 1990 hit series Clarissa.


The 13 -year-old Noah Beznick lives in New York City and attended the 8th grade of Hudson Park, one of the best but public schools on the Upper East Side. Noah has great friends and also nice parents, his only problem is his older sister Megan, who will use every means, to spoil her brother 's life. Megan attended the private school Yardley Prep, the rival school of Hudson Park. This fact leads to quarrels. Megan used even Noah's friends to spite him one. Frequent scene of their siblings dispute is the popular pizzeria Giannis Pizza.

