
The Nordstad (German: northern city) describes a region around the cities of Luxembourg Diekirch and Ettelbruck committed to joint regional planning and cooperation.

The aim of the Northern city is to coordinate the work of the communities better and to make growth in terms of sustainable development. In the planning of the IVL, the project is of high priority. It should make the region adjacent to the city of Luxembourg and Esch-sur- Alzette third development pole of the Grand Duchy. In addition, the northern city committed to cooperation in the field of culture and leisure.


The idea of ​​a northern city dates back to Adrien Ries, who has already pointed out in 1973 in a speech to the important role of decentralized economic development.


Originally, only six municipalities were included in the concept of the Northern city. These were:

  • Bettendorf
  • Diekirch
  • Drake things
  • Ettelbruck
  • Sheer
  • Colmar-Berg

Meanwhile, the northern city covers an area where about 30,000 people live.


The name Nordstad (English: North City ) is somewhat misleading because it does not designate a city but a region. The name comes from the fact that one should see the region as a whole and not as individual cities and communities that pursue only their own goals. For non- Luxembourg also the designation "North" sounds unusual, since the Nordstad not located in the north of Luxembourg, but more centrally. This has to do with the view that the Luxembourg designate the areas north of Mersch because of its rural character as " the north ".

Late Night Bus

In May 2001, the think tank of the northern city began using in cooperation with the youth clubs and communities a Late Night Bus in rural areas. The concept is similar to the city of Luxembourg, which uses for several years special weekends "Night Life" buses. These buses run according to fixed schedules and commute between various nightclubs and events. The organization is in the country more complicated than in the city of Luxembourg, as more and other places and events must be approached in the country.

The buses enable young people from remote areas to attend events. In addition, the security plays an important role, as the bus, the number of drink- drivers could be reduced, of which many are now using the bus instead of their own cars. For associations of the Late Night bus has the advantage that they can attract more visitors to their events.

As of 2004, the model of the North Town was successfully exported to other rural regions, so that now almost every region has its own Late Night Bus. Since January 2006, the association " Late Night bus north asbl " has taken over the coordination of the Late Night Bus Nordspëtzt, North City and Atert.

The Late Night buses are mainly financed by the municipalities and since 2005 up to 50% by the Ministry of Transport. Moreover, the project is supported by various sponsors.
