Nové Sedlo (Sokolov District)

Nové Saddleback ( German Neusattl ) is a city in the Czech Republic. It is eleven kilometers southwest of Carlsbad in Egergraben and belongs to Okres Sokolov.


The city is located on the left of the Egertales in a lignite mining area. In the west there extends a vast opencast mining area and northwest are mine dumps. By Nové Saddleback state highway 209 leads from Loket to Chodov, the leading past the southern peripheral European Route 48/49 crosses from Karlovy Vary to Sokolov.

Neighboring towns are Chranišov, Nový Chranišov and Chodov in the north, and Loučky Hory in the east, in the southeast Vildenava, Loket and Stare Saddleback to the south, and Horni Pískovec and Královské Poříčí in the southeast.


First written messages through the village date from the year 1397th In the 15th century, the village experienced during the Hussite Wars looting in several swipes imperial and Hussite armies. In the 16th century sold Sebastian Thüssel Daltitz of ownership to the rule Elbogen, then belonged to the Neusattl until the abolition of patrimonial regimes in 1850. After maintaining independence, the community was part of the district Elbogen, which also housed the seat of the court. In 1879, the industrialist Friedrich Siemens in Neusattl a branch factory of its Dresdner glass factories. Neusattl in 1899 raised to the market town, and received the right to drive a coat of arms.

Community structure

The town of Nové Saddleback consists of the districts Chranišov ( Granesau ) Loučky ( Grünlas ) and Nové Saddleback ( Neusattl ). Basic settlement units are Chranišov, Jalový Dvůr ( Kaltenhof ) Loučky, Na Sklárně I, II and Na Sklárně Nové Saddleback.

The municipality is divided into the Katastralbezirke Chranišov, Loučky u Lokte and Nové Saddleback u Lokte.


  • Church of the Ascension; the church was largely built in 1904 from wood.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Alois Groom (1916-2007), German politician
  • Franz Fuchs (1894-1981), German politician