
Noctule ( Nyctalus noctula )

The evening bats ( genus Nyctalus ) are within the bats a family of Myotis bats ( Vespertilionidae ). There are eight species of this taxon in Eurasia and northern Africa, three in Europe and one endemic to the Azores.


The noctule are characterized by short, triangular ears with the mushroom-shaped widened ear cover ( tragus ) and the approach under the hand hairy wings. Their fur is yellow-brown to dark brown at the top, the bottom is a little brighter.

These bats are the largest bats in Europe, they reach a body length of 50 to 100 mm, a tail length of 35 to 65 millimeters, a wingspan of up to 46 centimeters and a weight of up to 50 grams.

Way of life

Habitat of these bats are primarily woods, but sometimes they are also found in open areas or near human settlements. During the day they sleep in tree hollows, buildings or caves, in the early evening they fly in search of food. This early appearance they also owe their names, although the Azores noctule can sometimes even during the day observed. In winter, they are looking to warmer regions for the Noctule a flight distance of over 2000 kilometers is occupied.

The noctule feed like most bats almost exclusively of insects, particularly from beetles, dragonflies and moths. For the giant noctule also Carnivorie was detected in Tuscany, however, about Kotanalysen. Especially in late summer to autumn these animals regularly prey on small birds like robins (Erithacus rubecula) and blue tits ( cyanistes caeruleus).

Once a year, the females give birth after a 70 - to 75 - day gestation, a single young is born. They gather this week in parlors with up to 400 animals in tree hollows or buildings. The young are fully grown at six to seven weeks and are weaned about the same age.


Chinese noctule ( Nyctalus plancyi )

Noctule ( Nyctalus noctula )

Nyctalus aviator

Giant noctule ( Nyctalus lasiopterus )

Leisler ( Nyctalus leisleri )

Azores noctule ( Nyctalus azoreum )

The genus includes eight species:

  • Nyctalus aviator is native to Japan, Korea and eastern China.
  • The Azores noctule ( Nyctalus azoreum ) is endemic to the Azores.
  • Nyctalus Furvus
  • The giant noctule ( Nyctalus lasiopterus ) is the largest European bat species.
  • The Leisler ( Nyctalus leisleri ) is spread from Europe to India.
  • The mountain noctule ( Nyctalus montanus ) lives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India.
  • The noctule ( Nyctalus noctula ) is the most common and most widespread kinds Their range extends from Western Europe to Southeast Asia.
  • The Chinese noctule ( Nyctalus plancyi ) is endemic in the People's Republic of China with a comparatively large area of ​​distribution in the Southeast and Taiwan.

According to a study by Salgueiro et al. 2007 represents the Chinese noctule ( Nyctalus plancyi ) the basalste type and thus the sister species to the rest of noctule species represents the remaining species are divided into two groups, one of which from the Noctule ( Nyctalus noctula ), the giant noctule ( Nyctalus lasiopterus ) and Asian style Nyctalus aviator and the other from the small noctule ( Nyctalus leisleri ) and the Azores endemic Azores noctule ( Nyctalus azoreum ) is formed. The mountain noctule ( Nyctalus montanus ), which was also formerly considered as a subspecies of the Little Noctule, and Nyctalus Furvus were not considered in this study.

