
Olinia ventosa, branch with leaves leaves and inflorescences

The Olinia are the only plant genus of the tribe Olinieae in the family of Penaeaceae within the order of Myrtenartigen ( Myrtales ). The home sites are in East Africa, the capensis, in an area in West Africa and on the island of St. Helena.

  • 3.1 Notes and references


Appearance and leaves

The Olinia species is small, richly branched trees and shrubs. The cork cambium is initial superfizial. The Secondary growth in thickness is based on a conventional Kambiumring. Above-ground parts of plants may have single-celled glandular hairs.

The leaves are arranged opposite continuously, as in most other Myrtenartigen. The leaf blades are pinnately simple and entire. The stomata are anomocytisch, paracytisch and cyclocytisch. Stipules are present in some species.

Inflorescences and flowers

In a terminal or pendent, zymösen inflorescences, the flowers are grouped together.

The relatively small, hermaphrodite, radial symmetry flowers are four to fünfzählig. It is a Hypanthium available. The four or five sepals are reduced to a small four - or five-lobed edge on the Hypanthium; they are early transient. The four or five free petals are spatulate. There are two or three circles, each with four or five free stamens present, they are designed significantly different; of which are four to ten staminodes, which may be kronblattähnlich, hair -like or scale- like and are located outside the fertile stamens. The four or five fertile stamens are opposite the sepals and consist of short recurved stamens and anthers basifixen with two counters separated by a thickened connective. The pollen grains have three or six apertures and are colporat or COLPAT and colporat. The (three to ) is generally four to five carpels are rarely three, usually four or fused to a constant under fünfkammerigen ovary. In central angle constant placentation are rarely two, usually three hanging, apotrope, hemianatrope, bitegmische, crassinucellate ovules per ovary chamber in the ovary. The style ends in a capitate stigma.

Fruit and seeds

The fleshy drupes containing one to five seeds. The seeds have no endosperm, but a well-developed embryo with two spirally twisted or irregularly folded cotyledons ( cotyledons ).

Ingredients and chromosome numbers

Due to the Blausäureglykosides Prunasin smell plant parts in violation of almonds. The mesophyll includes solitaire prismatic calcium oxalate crystals. Due chromosome base number of x = 10


The genus Olinia was erected in 1799 by Carl Peter Thunberg in archives for the Botany, 2 ( 1 ), pp. 4. Type species is Olinia cymosa ( L. f ) Thunb., Now a synonym of Olinia ventosa (L.) Cufod. is. The botanical genus name Olinia honors the Swedish botanist Johan Hendrik Olin ( 1769-1824 ). A synonym for Olinia Thunb. is Plectronia L..

The genus Olinia made ​​some time the family of Oliniaceae Arn. ex Sond. whose synonym is Plectroniaceae Hiern. Today the tribe Olinieae the genus Olinia is alone in the family of Penaeaceae within the order of Myrtenartigen ( Myrtales ).

There are about eight to ten species in the genus Olinia:

  • Olinia capensis Klotzsch: The home is the capensis.
  • Olinia emarginata Burtt Davy: The home is the capensis.
  • Olinia micrantha Decne. , The home is the capensis.
  • Olinia radiata Hofmeyr & E.Phillips: The home is the capensis.
  • Olinia rochetiana A.Juss. ( Syn: Olinia aequipetala (Del. ) Cufod. ) Olinia discolor Mildbr, Olinia huillensis Welw. . ex A.Fern. & R.Fern, Olinia macrophylla Gilg, Olinia ruandensis Gilg, Olinia usambarensis Gilg, Olinia Volkensii Gilg. The home is Angola, eastern Zaire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Transvaal, Tanzania and Uganda.
  • Olinia vanguerioides Baker f: She comes in Zimbabwe and neighboring areas in Mozambique before.
  • Olinia ventosa (L.) Cufod. ( Syn: Olinia cymosa (L.) Thunb. ): It is common in coastal areas of the southern and eastern coast of South Africa from the Cape Peninsula to about over the border of the Transkei and southern KwaZulu -Natal. In addition, it was found on St. Helena.


  • The Tribe Olinieae within the family of Penaeaceae in APWebsite. (Section Description, distribution and systematics)
  • Olinia as some species of the family of Oliniaceae at DELTA by L. Watson & MJ Dallwitz. ( Description section )