Online spreadsheet

As an online spreadsheet spreadsheet programs are known which are capable of running without separate installation in a web browser. They have a generally much lower functionality than comparable office applications such as Microsoft Excel or Calc, but make up for it features the World Wide Web exploit. Online spreadsheets are available from almost any connected to the World Wide Web computer. In some cases there is the possibility that multiple, spatially separated users to work simultaneously on a document.

Well-known representatives are the XUL application AjaxXLS by Michael Robertson, founder of, as well as Google Drive.

Provider ( selection)

  • Google Drive is free and easy to use. It saves automatically, but has limited functionality. The software goes through - as usual at Google - a long beta phase and is continuously developed.
  • EditGrid of the Hong Kong Team and Concepts Limited has access to stock market and currency exchange rates and data from other tables. Rights management allows the relatively fine-grained assignment of read and write access without prior notification. Earlier versions of the edited tables archived EditGrid automatically. The service is currently free for both the private as well as business use.
  • ThinkFree Office, the Office package of U.S. ThinkFree Corp.. , Has an almost equally wide range of features such as Microsoft Office including print function, preview and spell check. The ThinkFree programs are built on the Java platform and need a suitable web browser plugin. In addition to the online service ThinkFree release the software as a downloadable Server Edition.
  • Worksheet-Server of the German Jedox generated from Microsoft Excel workbooks, self-contained, multi-user web applications. All common table functions, cell formatting and the main chart types in Excel are supported. Optionally can be accessed by means of an integrated ETL interface to relational and multidimensional databases (MOLAP ) on the SAP server and the LDAP server.