Organization for Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Fascism

The Organizzazione di Vigilanza e Repressione dell'Antifascismo ( OVRA ) (German: " organization to monitor and combat anti-fascism " ) was an Italian secret police. It was created in 1927 out of the political police department of the Italian State Police. She was a vital instrument to secure the retaining power for Mussolini's fascist regime. She pursued mainly communists and anti-fascists, but also ordinary citizens from listening to sound out the " mood of the people ." The organization went with the fall of Mussolini under in September 1943, but was born under a different name in the Repubblica Sociale Italiana partially. After the liberation of Italy a commission of inquiry was set up in 1946, which should reappraise both the activities of the political police as well as the OVRA. The results of the Commission remained unsatisfactory.

What exactly is behind the abbreviation OVRA, remained a long time in the dark. Besides the name listed here also volontaria Opera di Repressione Antifascista ( " Voluntary work to combat anti-fascism " ) can be specified or organo di Vigilanza dei Reati Antistatali ( " organ for monitoring anti-state crimes " ) as possible explanations.


Former intelligence services

  • Historical intelligence service (Italy )
  • Intelligence services during World War II