
Orşova ( German Orschowa or Orsowa, Hungarian Orsova, Croatian and Serbian Cyrillic Rusava, Czech Orsava ) is a town in Romanian county Mehedinţi.


Orşova is located in the transverse valley of cataracts distance above the Iron Gates, on the left bank of the Danube. Below Orşovas opens the Cerna River into the Danube.

Neighboring towns


1873, the city was incorporated into the county Severin. 1923 Orşova was appointed to the city in 1968 and assigned to the circle Mehedinţi as a result of administrative reallocation of Romania.

The city is divided into three parts: South and Nordorşova and Gebaure (the middle part). Orşova has a shipyard and a ship station. On the occasion of the establishment of the Danube power plant SIP large parts of Orşova have been rebuilt since the original town, the locals " Old Orşova " (Romanian Vechea Orşova or Orşova Veche ) called, was flooded. Before the dangerous cataracts route was defused by raising the water level in the course of power plant construction, the city was an important station for the shipping. In the Danube near the island of Ada Kaleh was Orşova. The island was also flooded with the construction of the Danube power plant.

For the construction of the consecrated on 26 November 1976 Church of the " Immaculate Conception of Mary " gave the Romanian state an exemption, since at this time the construction of churches was prohibited in communist Romania. The construction plans for the sacred building as submitted by Hans torch man.

Orşova is the starting point for boat trips to the Iron Gates ( two to five hours )


In Orşova traditionally belong to large parts of the population ethnic minorities, including German ( Banat Mountains German ), Magyars, Jews, Serbs and Banat Czechs. In 1910, for instance, were only 23.5 % of the population members of the Romanian ethnic group.


Mouth of the river Cerna in the Danube at Orşova

Catholic Church

Entrance to the Iron Gate
