
Habit and inflorescences of Orthophytum sucrei.

Orthophytum is a plant genus in the subfamily Bromelioideae, which belongs to the family of bromeliads ( Bromeliaceae ). The botanical name of the genus is derived from the Greek words ortho for upright, straight and phytum for plant from.


Orthophytum species grow as an evergreen, perennial herbaceous plants, they usually somewhat xerophytic. Most Orthophytum types are relatively small ( Rose diameter 15 to 30 cm, more rarely ). The tough, parallel venation leaves sitting on a compressed main axis in a basal rosette. The leaves are slightly reinforced by a toothed margin. The most decorative to the Orthophytum species are their sometimes wavy, often beautifully drawn ( patterned ) leaves. The leaves have at least on the lower leaf surface Saugschuppen. Leaves and bracts may be colored bright red with a lot of sunlight, more or less.

In the inflorescence stem sit leaves that are similar to the primitive leaves, only slightly smaller. Terminally on the stem sits a capitate, ähriger inflorescence who sees the tuft of a pineapple is very similar, is sitting alone among the foliage leaf-like bracts individually the flowers. In a few species, the inflorescences sitting ( nesting ) as Cryptanthus; for example: Orthophytum albopictum, Orthophytum navioides, Orthophytum saxicola.

The small flowers are radial symmetry and threefold. The three petals are mostly white to their base, free. Only the two types Orthophytum duartei and Orthophytum supthutii have yellow- orange petals. Each petal has at its base two scales ( ligules ). There are two circles, each with three stamens present. Three carpels are fused into one inferior ovary. The style ends in a three-lobed stigma.

The flowers formula is.

Are formed berries.


Their areas are only in the dry areas in eastern Brazil. They are mostly terrestrial or lithophytic ( on rocks, for example Orthophytum itambense ) wild species.


Some species and varieties are grown in special nurseries and so you can find them from time to time in garden centers and flower shops. They are very well suited as houseplants because they are very easy to maintain and are relatively small. Since they are very robust, are not eaten by most animals and are completely non-toxic, it can be recommended for very terrariums. Propagation is by Kindel.


There are about 35 species Orthophytum:

  • Orthophytum albopictum Philcox
  • Orthophytum alvimii W.Weber
  • Orthophytum amoenum ( Ule ) L.B.Smith
  • Orthophytum benzingii Leme & H.Luther
  • Orthophytum braunii Leme
  • Orthophytum burle - marxii L.B.Smith & R.W.Read: Orthophytum burle - marxii LBSmith & RWRead var burle - marxii
  • Orthophytum burle - marxii var seabrae roughness
  • Orthophytum disjunctum var angustobracteatum roughness
  • Orthophytum disjunctum LBSmith var disjunctum LBSmith
  • Orthophytum disjunctum var minus L.B.Smith
  • Orthophytum disjunctum var striatum roughness
  • Orthophytum disjunctum variegatum var roughness
  • Orthophytum disjunctum var viridiflorum roughness
  • Orthophytum saxicola var aloifolium O.Schwartz
  • Orthophytum saxicola ( Ule ) LBSmith var saxicola

It also intergeneric hybrids were crossed, for example: × × Neophytum from Neoregelia Orthophytum.


  • Harry E. Luther: An Alphabetical List of Bromeliad Binomials, 2008 The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota, Florida, USA. Published by The Bromeliad Society International. (PDF file, 314 kB)