Papyrus 41

Papyrus 41 ( Gregory- Aland 41 denotes Sigel ) is an early copy of the New Testament in Greek and Coptic language. This Diglotte on papyrus containing the Book of Acts. Using palaeography it has been dated to the 8th century.

The Greek text of the papyrus contains Acts 17,28-18,2.17-18.22-25.27; 19,1-4.6-8.13-16.18-19; 20,9-13.15-16.22-24.26-38; 21,3.4.26-27; 22,11-14.16-17.

The Coptic text of the papyrus contains Acts 17,30-18,2.25.27-28; 19,2-8.15.17-19; 20,11-16.24-28; 20.36 to 21.3; 22,12-14.16-17.

The Greek text of this codex is a representative of the Western text-type. Kurt Aland described him as "free text" and placed it in Category III.

The papyrus is currently kept at the Austrian National Library (Pap. G. 17973, 26133, 35831, 39783 ) in Vienna.
