Pehr Löfling

Pehr Loefling ( born January 31, 1729 Tollfors bruk, † February 22, 1756 in Venezuela) was a Swedish botanist. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Loefl. ".


Pehr Loefling studied from 1743 at the University of Uppsala and was a student of Carl Linnaeus there. In 1751 he went to Madrid, where he taught as a professor. 1751 to 1753 he undertook botanical Traveling on the Iberian Peninsula, from 1754 to 1756 in northern South America. In 1756 he died at the mission " Murrecurri " (also " Merercuri " ) in Venezuela due to malaria.


The plant genus Loeflingia from the carnation family ( Caryophyllaceae ) has been named after him.


  • Iter hispanicum, eller resa til Spanska Länderna uti Europa och America 1751-1756. 1758 ( posthumously published by Carl Linnaeus, translated in 1766 by AB Kölpin under the title " travel, according to the Spanish countries in Europe and America" ​​).


  • Robert Zander, Fritz Encke, Günther Buchheim, Siegmund Seybold (eds.): Handbook of Plant Names. 13th edition. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1984, ISBN 3-8001-5042-5.
  • Entry at