Phallus atrovolvatus

Phallus atrovolvatus is a species of fungus in the family Stinkmorchelverwandten ( Phallaceae ). It was discovered by Francisco Calonge and Hanns roundabout in Costa Rica in 2005.


First phallus appears atrovolvatus than 2-3 cm wide, black colored Hexenei, which has a rough surface. At maturity opens Hexenei and it extends the cylindrical, white Receptaculum out, which is 1-2 cm wide and 2-4 cm long. At the upper end of the Receptaculums is a cone-shaped hat, which is covered by the tan colored gleba. From the underside of the cap depends on a frangible net-like structure down (called Indusium ). Unlike other members of the Gleba has Stinkmorchelartigen of phallus atrovolvatus no unpleasant, aasartigen odor but a pleasant sweetish scent.


In phallus atrovolvatus is a Saprobionten which appear singly or in small groups on lawns, plant debris and dead wood.


Phallus atrovolvatus is known only from the Costa Rican province of Guanacaste and Limón, but was also collected in Hawaii. In Limón, the species was identified near Cahuita, while it was found in Guanacaste in La Fortuna National Park.


  • Calonge, F.D., H. & M. Mata roundabout. , 2005. Phallus atrovolvatus, A New Species From Costa Rica. Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 29: 5-8 ( 2005).
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