Pieter van der Staak

Pieter van der Staak ( born May 25, 1930 in The Hague, † November 2, 2007 in Zwolle ) was a Dutch guitarist, composer and music educator.


Van der Staak studied composition with Wolfgang Wijdeveld and guitar with Hans -Lutz Niessen, a student of Bruno Henze, at the Conservatorium Maastricht. From 1955 to 1959 he studied guitar with Andrés Segovia and Alirio Díaz and vihuela and Early Music with Emilio Pujol at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena. Pujol and Diaz were lifelong friends.

He took, inter alia, several LPs with the singers Willy Brill and Arjan Blanken on. Van der Staak concerted worldwide and eventually became professor of guitar at the ArtEZ ( Art School ) in Zwolle. He founded the Dutch International Guitar Weeks Zwolle and taught several well-known students. Van der Staak composed Moreover, a large number of chamber music pieces.
