Pietro Accolti

Pietro Accolti ( born March 15, 1455 Florence, † December 11, 1532 in Rome ) was a Cardinal of the Catholic Church. He was part of the Roman Curia and in 1505 Bishop of Ancona. He is considered a cardinal of Ancona.

Pope Julius II appointed him in March 1511 in his seventh consistory cardinal. Accolti, the uncle of the later Cardinal Benedetto Accolti was, also applies as the lead abbreviator in drafting the papal bull against Martin Luther Exsurge Domine. Accolti was also Bishop of Albano, Sabina, Cádiz, Maillezais, Arras and Cremona. Pope Clement VII appointed him in June 1524 Archbishop of Ravenna. He gave up this position to his nephew Benedetto Accolti from in August of the same year. Accolti is buried in the Roman church of Santa Maria del Popolo.
