Platydoras costatus

" Silurus costatus " now Platydoras costatus, representation of Gronow 1754

The Platydoras costatus belongs to the family of catfishes ( Doradidae ) from the order of catfish -like ( Siluriformes ). Like all catfishes is also native Platydoras costatus in South America, its range is located in the north of the continent.


Platydoras costatus is up to 24 cm long. In the dorsal fin followed by a long hard radiation six soft rays. The anal fin has 10-11 soft rays.

Platydoras costatus was confused for a long time with the line catfish ( Platydoras armatulus ). Platydoras armatulus bears showy yellow stripes on the sides and on the head. Largely because of this coloration, he became a popular aquarium fish that is available in the aquarium retailers in Germany since the 1960s. Only in 2008 was found in a study by Piorski, Garavello, Arce and Sabaj Pérez that the Platydoras costatus described by Carl Linnaeus differs in several features, but especially by the absence of the bright stripes of Platydoras armatulus. Platydoras costatus never or only very rarely came into the aquarium trade.


Platydoras costatus is located on the northern edge of the Amazon basin. Its circulation area covers the river systems of the Corantijn on the border of Guyana and Suriname, the Suriname River and the river Maroni between states Suriname and French Guyana.


Platydoras costatus costatus was originally described by Carl Linnaeus as Silurus. He relied on doing the work Gronows, who had published pictures of the fish already in 1754. Pieter Bleeker was built in 1862 for Silurus costatus own genus and named it Platydoras. Platydoras costatus is thus the type species of the genus Platydoras. 1863 Advanced Bleeker the genus as a Dora armatulus by Achille Valenciennes described fish in 1840, which was later often confused with Platydoras costatus. 1864 synonymisierte Bleeker Platydoras dentate with Platydoras costatus. Platydoras helicophilus is also a synonym for Platydoras costatus.
