Ptilium (plant)

Ptilium crista - castrensis

Ptilium is a moss species from the order of Hypnales.


The stems of the gametophytes are very feathery regularly comb - to -spring-like. They are graceful, broad lanceolate fronds that resemble ostrich feathers. The leaves are heavily wrinkled and not hollow.


The genus is part of family of Hypnaceae. It consists of only two types:

  • Ptilium crista - castrensis occurs in the northern hemisphere, including in Central Europe.
  • The second type is native to the Caribbean.


  • Jan- Peter Frahm, Wolfgang Frey, J. Döring: Moss flora. 4th revised and expanded edition ( UTB for Science, Volume 1250). Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8001-2772-5 ( Ulmer) ISBN 3-8252-1250-5 & ( UTB ), pp. 500, 512
  • Hypnaceae (Family)
  • Hypnaceae