Pyongyang Marathon

The Pyongyang Marathon ( official English name Mangyongdae Prize Marathon ) is a marathon in Pyongyang, which was first staged in 1981. After counting, the organizer, the 22nd edition of 2009 was held, as usual, as part of the Mangyongdae sports festivals and other celebrations of the Day of the Sun, the birthday of the "eternal president" of the DPRK, Kim Il-sung.

The run was in 2000 re-opened for foreign starter after last had participated 1987 athletes from the Eastern Bloc. The German Ulrich Steidl was in the year 2000 h eighth in 2:13:56

2001, the organization of the Swiss company International Sport and Leisure (ISL ) was coordinated and sponsored by Fila, Heineken, the Swiss Data processing company Datactivity and the Financial Times, which was interpreted as a sign of a cautious opening of North Korea. Approximately 500 local and 50 foreign runners participated in this year.

2007 Swiss Athletics received the invitation for two athletes and two female athletes. Roger Antoine, Christoph Hubacher Fabiola Rueda Oppliger and Jenny Breitschmid represented Switzerland in the year in which two South Koreans were the first to see in the starting field.

Start and finish is the Kim Il-sung Stadium. The route leads to the Arc de Triomphe, the Hyoksin happens, the Yongung, the Maxima, the Rakwon and the Kwangbok Street and turns on the highway of youth heroes.


Track records

  • Men: 2:10:50, Kim Jung -won (PRK ), 1996
  • Women: 2:26:02, Jong Yong -ok (PRK ), 2007

List of winners
