Reichenbach (river)

The Reichenbach after Heimbacher mill

The Reichenbach shortly before its confluence with the Kahl

The Reichenbach is a left tributary of the Kahl in the Aschaffenburg district in the Bavarian Spessart. It arises from the confluence of Schützbach and church Grundbach in Reichenbach.


The name Reichenbach consists of the Middle High German words Riche and bach, meaning " rich brook". This refers either to the rule that populated the waters or on the stream and means fish - or water- rich. The brook gave the place its name Reichenbach.




The Schützbach rises in a valley below from Johannesberg -Sternberg. It first flows north to Reichenbach, where he 'Basic Long ' hits the kinks and to the northeast. The Schützbach is the relatively water-rich and extended source stream with about 2.0 miles and is considered the headwaters of the rich stream.

Church Grundbach

The 1.5 km long church Grundbach springs below the state road in 2309 in a valley between Johannesberg and Reichenbach. It flows in a northerly direction to Reichenbach, where he joins the Schützbach to Reichenbach.


After the confluence of the headwaters of the rich stream flows to the northeast. At the mouth of the cave stream, from the so-called Hutzelgrund is the Heimbacher mill. Since this stream has too little engine water is removed through an artificial ditch water from Reichenbach, which is directed through a tube through the caves brook and the mill feeds. The cave creek flows into the other Reichenbacharm.

The Reichenbach further extends on the western slope of the glass mountain until it reaches the Kahlgrund. There the Reichenbach under the state road 2305 and ends opposite the Sterzbach in the Kahl.

The Reichenbach is next Geiselbach, Sommerkahl and Westerbach one of its largest tributaries.


  • Schützbach (left source Bach)
  • Church Grundbach (right source Bach)
  • Steinbach (right)
  • Hollow Brook (left)


In May 1922 drew strong storms forth across the Kahlgrund. Especially bad Reichenbach was haunted. In the first few minutes thick drops fell. This was followed by a strong hail and within a short time were the pigeon's egg grains 5 to 10 inches high. The hail turned into a massive downpour that lasted at least two hours. In an instant, enormous masses of water emerged. The Reichenbach became a raging torrent. In the center of Reichenbach, a giant, about two feet deep lake was formed.

The entire livestock of the farmers was carried away and eventually drowned. Whole cottages and barns were swept away by the water. The flood tore a 6 m deep and 30 m wide trench in the landscape. In the meadow land of the rich stream was the next morning driftwood and mud, in an area as wide as the Main. The material of the barns was probably driven into the bald, you found it in Alzenau city again.
