
Gelber Wau ( Reseda lutea)

The Resedagewächse ( Resedaceae ) are a family in the order of Kreuzblütlerartigen ( Brassicales ).


They come in temperate to subtropical climates before. Main distribution area is the Mediterranean. Areas are also in Central Europe, Asia Minor, in East Africa and South Africa. Some species also exists in southwestern North America and southern India.


There are one-, two - and perennial herbaceous plants. The alternate and spirally arranged leaves are simple. Stipules are present.

In aged men or racemose inflorescences many flowers are summarized. The most hermaphroditic flowers are zygomorphic. The bloom there are usually six, rarely four or eight, sepals ( sepals ). At petals per flower, there are usually six, rarely none ( at Ochradenus ), two ( at Oligomeris ), four or eight petals ( petals ). There are three to forty per flower stamens and two to six carpels present. Between the dust and the Fruchtblattwirteln a short Gynophor is often present. The ovary is upper constant. Most einfächerige capsule fruits are formed, often even before the maturity of the seeds open up.


In the family of Resedagewächse ( Resedaceae ) are six genera and 75 species:

  • Caylusea A. St. Hil. , With three species that occur between the Cape Verde Islands, Africa and India
  • Ochradenus Del. , About six species that occur between North Africa and the Middle East to Pakistan
  • Oligomeris Cambess. , With about four species. Several types are available in South Africa, another is Oligomeris linifolia ( Vahl ) Macbride, which is found in Asia, North Africa, the Canary Islands and the south-western North America to Mexico. But it is not about only came to North America in historical times, but there are also indigenous.
  • Randonia Cosson, with three species that occur in North Africa, Arabia and Somalia
  • Reseda ( Reseda L.), with about 24-60 species occurring in Europe and the Mediterranean to Central Asia
  • Sesamoides Ortega, with about 1-6 species found in the Western Mediterranean and North Africa