
Rhodotorula mucilaginosa ( Cells by methylene blue staining, 1000-fold magnification)

Rhodotorula form a fungal genus that proliferate as yeasts by budding. They are usually pigmented.


Macroscopic characteristics

Rhodotorula colonies are fast growing, smooth, shiny or matte, sometimes rough, soft and slimy. Their color varies from cream to pink, coral red, orange or yellow.

Asexual reproduction

The blastoconidia are subglobos, ovoid, ellipsoid or oblong. The reproduction is by multilateral or polar budding. It can be formed both true hyphae or pseudohyphae also, they are rare. There are no known Ballistokonidien. Many tribes have red or yellow pigments.

Physiological characteristics

Rhodutorula species do not possess the ability to fermentation. All kinds except some strains of Rhodutorula bacarum, Rhodutorula phylloplana and Rhodutorula yarrowii can not assimilate myo- inositol also. Strength similar products are not synthesized. On staining with Fast Blue B salt ( diazonium Blue B ) Rhodutorula respond positively, and produce urease. Coenzymes Q9 and Q10 are provided. In Zellhydrolysaten with the exception of Rhodutorula yarrowii xylose present.

Demarcation from other genres

Rhodotorula can be distinguished from Cryptococcus the fact that they can not assimilate inositol, of Candida by their frequent lack of pseudohyphae.

Ecology and distribution

Rhodotorula species are used in a wide variety of habitats worldwide. They occur in the air, in soil, lakes and seas. They have also been detected in milk products. They colonize the surface of plants, mammals, and even humans. One way of Rhodotorula portillonensis, was recently discovered in shallow water sediments of the Antarctic. But they also occur in arid regions. Benthica Rhodotorula was isolated from tube worms in the deep sea. Rhodotorula often colonizes the surface of plants. You can filter lipids, hemicellulose and nitrogen-containing substances from their environment. Some strains can assimilate and ferulic acid, hydroxycinnamic acids, gallic acid and tannins.


The systematic position of Rhodotorula is still unclear. The genus is paraphyletic. The majority of the species, namely, 29, belongs to the class of Microbotryomycetes divided into 2 orders, 14 species belong to the class of Cystobasidiomycetes, also divided into two orders and more insecure types. Both classes belong to the sub-division of Pucciniomycotina. The type species is Rhodotorula glutinis.


  • Sporidiobolales Rhodotorula auriculariae
  • Rhodotorula buffonii
  • Rhodotorula cresolica
  • Rhodotorula crocea
  • Rhodotorula cycloclastica
  • Rhodotorula diffluens
  • Rhodotorula ferulica
  • Rhodotorula foliorum
  • Rhodotorula glutinis
  • Rhodotorula hylophila
  • Rhodotorula ingeniosa
  • Rhodotorula javanica
  • Rhodotorula lignophila
  • Rhodotorula mucilaginosa
  • Rhodotorula nothofagi
  • Rhodotorula philyla
  • Rhodotorula pilatii
  • Rhodotorula pustula
  • Rhodotorula retinophila
  • Rhodotorula sonckii
  • Rhodotorula terpenoidalis
  • Rhodotorula vanillica
  • Rhodotorula yarrowii
  • Microbotryales Rhodotorula hordea


  • Cystobasidiales Rhodotorula benthica
  • Rhodotorula calyptogenae
  • Rhodotorula laryngis
  • Rhodotorula lysinophila
  • Rhodotorula minuta
  • Rhodotorula pallida
  • Rhodotorula pinicola
  • Rhodotorula slooffiae
  • Rhodotorula lactosa
  • Rhodotorula armeniaca
  • Rhodotorula aurantiaca
  • Rhodotorula marina
  • Rhodotorula lamellibrachiae
  • Rhodotorula oryzae


Rhodotorula species are rarely as human pathogens in appearance, they can cause mycoses and fungemia in immunocompromised patients. Cases of meningitis, endocarditis, Ventriculitis, peritonitis, endophthalmitis, catheter infections and sepsis are known.


  • Yeast
  • Pucciniomycotina (fungi )
  • Pucciniomycotina