
Pear rust ( Gymnosporangium fuscum )

The Pucciniomycotina are a subdivision of Mushroom Fungi ( Basidiomycota ). They include more than 8,000 known species, with over 90 % of the rust fungi ( Pucciniales ) belong. Most members are parasites of plants, animals and fungi.

Characteristics and lifestyle

The representatives of the Pucciniomycotina show a large heterogeneity in their morphological features. All representatives have a different stand from the rest mushrooms secondary structure of 5S RNA, which is referred to as type A. Their cell wall is built up mainly with the simple sugar mannose. They have simple septa, a membrane cap is missing. Most species have Phragmobasidien, only Pachnocybe, Chionosphaera and Curvibasidium, maybe Colacosiphon have Holobasidien. The spores are scattered on standing or basidia - formed in complex fruiting bodies - often.

In the group several times dimorphism, hidden fruiting body formation, Heterözie ( host change) and several spore types have developed. Some of the species forming hyphae, another grows yeast -like, others have both growth forms ( are dimorphic ).

The group consists mainly parasites: the Pucciniales and Microbotryales are plant pathogens, Tuberculina and Spiculogloea fungal parasites, and the Septobasidiales parasitize insects. Few species are likely Saprobionten or their diet is unknown. Some species are human pathogens. Symbionts are not known in the group. They colonize most habitats, including freshwater and seawater.


The Pucciniomycotina are one of the three major groups of mushrooms or toadstools. They are divided into several classes:

A more detailed overview of the relevant regulations can be found in the systematics of fungi. The Pucciniomycotina were formerly under the name Urediniomycetes (derived from the Latin uredinium for Uredosorus ) and Uredinomycetes (derived from the genus name Uredo ) out. Both names are used as the Pucciniomycetes for both the taxon Pucciniomycotina. Bauer et al. (2006) have therefore described the name Pucciniomycotina that of Hibbett et al. Was taken in the overall system of fungi, 2007.

The Pucciniomycotina it would be an old lineage within the stand mushrooms.


  • M. C. Aime et al.: An overview of the higher level classification of Pucciniomycotina based on combined Analyses of nuclear large and small subunit rDNA sequences. Mycologia, Volume 98, 2006, pp. 896-905.
  • Robert Bauer, Dominik Begerow, José Paulo Sampaio, Michael White, Franz Winkler Upper: The simple- septate basidiomycetes: a synopsis. Mycological Progress, Volume 5, 2006, pp. 41-66, ISSN 1617 - 416x, doi: 10.1007/s11557-006-0502-0.