Roberto Perpignani

Roberto Perpignani ( born April 20, 1941 in Rome ) is an Italian cutter.

Perpignani began his career (after beginnings as a painter and studies of child psychology ) in 1962 as Schnittasisstent the movie The process of Orson Welles. His debut as a cutter was made in 1964 with Bernardo Bertolucci's Before the Revolution. This was followed by more than 90 productions that bear witness to his position as one of the most respected editors in Italy. Since the 1970s, he frequently collaborates with the directors Paolo and Vittorio Taviani. Technically interesting was his work for Giro di lune tra terra e mare, the combined computer-assisted various formats into a kind of mosaic.

For the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Perpignani teaches since 1976 at the Sucola nazionale di cinema film editing. He is also president of the " Federazione Italiana delle delle associazioni professioni del cinema e dell'audiovisivo " FIDAC.

He won three times the David di Donatello, the most important Italian film award. He also received a nomination for the European Film Awards in 2012.

At the International Film Festival in Venice in 2007 Perpignani was a member of the jury.

Filmography (selection)
